Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I'm late, i'm late....

cramming a lot into my life i frequently am late...partly it is because i have a rich and full life, i give, i create, i connect - and all of this takes time

like this morning - after a chance meeting with a friend who warms my heart i was running to get to my smear test in time thinking i don't want to be huffy and puffy when i get the cold speculum treatment (when in actual fact i got told i looked stylish to which i replied "i always get dressed up when people are going to see my vagina")

like now...racing to get up to school to fax a fundraising letter before i start netball training...before i take my eldest to Brownies...

you know Mother stuff....

and then i remembered i had been late for JOY REBEL DAY...

i mean how could i - lax ship and all

Joy rebellion brings joy to my heart -

it makes me snigger

it makes me think

it reminds me to be open to the possibility of joy in all the most unlikely places

it opens my heart like a smile...

so i would like to take this opportunity to bow to the grand generalissimo of Joy Rebellion, Brandi - yep her what cries in church and loves guacamole and thank her for adding this drop of light into the soup of humanity...

long may it last

my actual joy rebellion holiday was filled with cleaning and a brunch with my family - neither of of which light that spark for me - but the reminders about listening to what brings me joy, and answering that call and not sinking into bitterness or looking at the cost of something to measure it and truely being connnected to what brings joy to my spirit and marvelling about how i could have come out of the same stock as them...

well it brings me joy coz i know i am breaking patterns - ancient bone deep patterns - that no longer serve me as a human...

and choosing joy is one of them....

and as for the cleaning i did - well that was purely to please others but i felt so damn self righteous i might just try it again...