Sunday, December 14, 2008

SO here is my next thought

today i got out of the car to take the poodle for a walk

to watch her smile

to move my body

to be by the river

i got two or three minutes in before i realised i was walking... i was so busy in the list in my head, (dog groomer's, photocopiers, drop stuff at Carole's, make Christmas mince pies....blah blah blah)

that i hadn't realised i was walking, being carried up to the river, by my legs on automatic pilot...

so i took a breath, let it out and thought i would enjoy being in my body and the water

and like a gift, ablove my head (i know that is a spelling mistake but i love it so it stays - this is my blog after all!) in the next tree

only 4 feet away

were two tui


going about the business of declaring their love to each other - puffed up and singing......

the thing with tui is they sing mostly above our hearing register... and i watched these two throwing open their beaks, puffing out their feathers and just SINGING ......

and i thought about how much i need to be seen and heard

and how much it hurts me when i am not

and how much does it really matter - what matters is singing for myself...

for my soul...

for my hearts own joy

and i was filled up

i hope this fills you too

(especially for Brandi who saw me!)

1 comment:

  1. i LOVE this, darling soul.
    LOVE it.
    and i so hear your experience :)
    bless you
